Thursday, June 24, 2010


Oh God, I really do want to meet you. I mean, you are indescribable in every way possible. You created this universe, this universe in such wideness and greatness. Our earth alone seems enormous to us, but yet it is a germ compared to the rest of this universe. Our sun you have created to shine light upon us looks as if it is the biggest thing in the universe, but it too looks like a pebble compared to everything you have created. The drive from Sacramento to Los Angeles seems to be really far, but it is nothing compared to the distance between the stars. Your people seem to overlook the fact that we are nothing compared to what you have created for us. We long for materialistic fads such as cars, clothes, and the "hype", things that will not give us eternal happiness. These things block out our solution, our creator, our father, our God. It is You, Lord God, who gives your creation eternal happiness.
If you are this great, this powerful, and this wonderful, I really want to meet you. If you can create a universe so vast that we could not even imagine, I wonder what your kingdom must look like. If we can get happiness from little things, I wonder how much more happiness You can give us. I want to see you Lord. It's so crazy that You are able to be in every single person in this world, but yet we don't ever meet or see you until the after life. It's so crazy that You are able to give us EVERYONE your unconditional love, no matter how much we turned our back against You, no matter how many times we denied Your existence, no matter how much we betrayed You. You are always there, and You will never leave us. It is unbelievable that we are able to feel Your presence, but we can never get face to face with you, to touch you, to literally be held inside your arms.
I was introduced to You Lord God ever since I was born, but I never really accepted You into my life until 2008, where I joined YFC. My first experience in which I felt your Holy Presence in my first ever praisefest. I was baptized by the Holy Spirit by Your works through Don and his ADGLs. From there, our friendship just rose. You gave me great gifts, and I repaid you through my service in YFC and recently the church. You constantly give me opportunities to serve you more and more, and no matter how much I fail, you will always love me. You won't ever hate me.

And this is why I want to meet You.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Joyvey Ariel Evangelista Mufasa Simba Sunga

Hey Simba! It's you! You look so happy in that picture. Haha, just kidding, but we don't have a picture together, so I just used Simba because I always call you that. I don't know how I started calling you Simba, all I know is that Janelle three-wayed us and you said you were Mufasa. I don't know how it turned into Simba hahaha. But anyways, hello. You are my favorite internet friend. Why? Because you're the only internet friend I have LOL. We still need to meet each other in person. You lost in omgpop so you have to come down to Elk Grove :D And buy me food because you love me oh so much.

So I don't know what to say. Except that you never bore me, like ever LOL. Maybe because we have interesting things to talk about, and that we both have creative minds. Like how you planned out you and Janelle's whole future? LOL wow. That was interesting. But that's it.

We need to talk more often because you're awesome. Haha. =]

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Christia Mariz Santos Quintos

So we met, because I saw your myspace and I was like "o.o she looks familiar" so I added you and then we had like literally the same default on Myspace. Haha, green with the stunner shades. But yeah, I also knew how I first saw you. I think it was me, Matt, and Leonard were chillin at Arden mall. We got out of Champs and Leonard was like "aye lets go to shiek" because back then it was still Shiek. Haha, and as we were walking I passed you and I was like "o.o wait is that Christia O.O". So I went in, busted out my phone and was like "are you at Arden" LMFAO. Turns out it was you. So we chilled, met your brother. And that's how he met Leonard and Matt, then soon enough he met everyone in Elk Grove and became cool with us. Then, there was your birthday party. I so remember that day. It took me like 3 hours to have the guts to ask to drop me and my sister off to you're house. But when I finally did, he said yes. And I was like ":DDDDDDDDD" but I just pretended I was like ":| cool". So, when I got there I felt super awkward turtle, around your mom LOL. And then I was on the skateboard and Jamie stopped it and I fell forward. And how awkward I was around your other brothers. And then I think that same day we went out to Coldstone and all that stuff. Oh yes, and we were in the backyard.

Anyways, I must admit that you were one awesome girlfriend. I mean, what other girlfriend would go and play Maplestory with me? Haha, that was hella fun. But aside from that, I knew you truly loved me. You tried so hard to make this relationship work. You even told your parents about me. They even told you that you couldn't have a boyfriend and yet you told them. I knew that you really wanted this to work out, but me, being a stupid ass bitch, left you. Why? Because I was a player back then. Because I thought that the goal of living was to get the most pussy in the world. I look back and I always think about how retarded I was, leaving such a sweet, beautiful, trustworthy girl like you in the dust because I wanted a girl that would give me her pussy. I can't believe it and I regret it. I fucked our relationship up. I'm sorry. I really am.

I really didn't know what a heartbreak felt like. So I just kept doing it, girl to girl. I'm sorry that you were one of them.

Love, always and forever,

Stefan Francisco

Day 22, if you're still wondering.

Friday, June 11, 2010


I knew today that I had to write about a stranger, so I went out and searched like a madman. Just kidding, but I wanna talk about the guy in front of Boba Tea House. Who the hell do you think you are? Staring me down like you're the biggest shit of life. Hah, first of all, you got the biggest shirt on earth. Down to your knees? That's 5 years ago. Nobody wears that. You look like a man wearing a dress. Second of all, you're wearing Reeboks. You know, the one from Ross? Yeah, no kidding they were on sale for $6.99. Yeah and you're with your "posse". Or are they your boyfriends? I don't know but you looked pretty homo there. You only think you're the shit when you're around them, don't you? When you're alone you feel like a major pussy. I bet you wouldn't have even bothered to look at me if you were alone, or with your mommy. You have no balls. K have a nice day :D

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Dreams? This is my dream. 10 years from now, I'm already out of San Jose State, and I'm working for some major computer company like Google, Microsoft, Apple, or Cisco or something. I have a wife and two kids. Now that sounds normal, right? Wel here's the crazy part. I want to live in a street court, you know those streets that are dead ends and they are just a circle of houses? Well, I want to live in a house in a court, and all the houses around me are all my friends. Oh yeah, then we can literally chill in the middle of the street and have a fullcourt basketball game because no cars would ever be coming in. I don't know if you know what I'm talking about haha. I also want to ride a motorcycle, because they're so badass haha. Well, there you have it. Its my dream. I hope it'll come true. Oh, and everything I just said, I'm completely serious on trying to do that haha.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


This isn't going to be long. I don't talk to you guys. I never shared feelings or told you guys how my day went. I never opened up to you guys. Sounds depressing, but I kinda like it. I don't know why, but I like living my independent life. Well, I hope you do too. See ya later

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mother and Father

Oh look. My family, about 10 years ago. We were still in Saipan. If you didn't know btw, Saipan is an island, and its 15 miles in diameter. So basically I was born in a stranded island. Haha

Anyways. Mom and dad. The two people who I've known for 16 long years. You guys never cease to amaze me. Ever since I was little, you would always tell me these things. "Don't do this don't do that", and all I do is not listen, thinking you're crazy and I know what I'm doing. In the end I disappoint you, and do whatever you guys told me not to do. But no matter how crazy, how stupid, how mad I get, you guys always will always love me. I mean, how many times did I turn my back against you guys? How many times did I not listen? How many times did I claim to hate you guys? And yet, both of you never gave up on me.

Dear Mother,
I remember when I was in your belly. Man I was squished in there. Haha, just kidding. You're the reason why I'm short, and I'd like to thank you oh so much for that. Why? Because. I'd rather be hella short than hella tall. I mean, if you ever see a tall guy you're just like "wtf happened to him" and think he's hella weird. But when you see a short person, you're like "aww how cute he/she is so fun sized". So yes. Thanks a lot! Oh yeah, thanks for doing everything. And I mean, EVERYTHING. From when I was a baby, you took care of me. You fed me, carried me, stayed up with me at night while I was crying. To when I was a child. You help me with my homework, cook me food, help clean my room, fix my booboos. And to now, when I'm a teenager, or adult idk what you wanna call me. You scold me, you get mad at me, and you tell me I'm stupid and you want me out of the house. Sure, it seems like you hate me, but I know deep down inside that it's the way you say you love me, you care for me, and you don't want me to fuck up my life. So I just want to say thanks. Without you, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Cliche, but its true. I'd probably be totally different from what I am.

Dear father,
Oh you. I always looked up to you since I was a child. You're the moneymaker of the house. You baller. I remember, it was just me and you living in California while mom, Andre, and Sara just stayed down in Saipan. I gotta admit, it was pretty awesome just the two of us. I remember that year, you wanted to take me out at 12 midnight on New Years, just because it was my first New Years at California. We went everywhere, and everything was closed. So we went to Denny's, and it was my first time there. I thought that that place was freaking awesome. And I remember you tried to teach me how to play baseball, how to swim, how to ride a bike, and how to skate. You'd take me to Vans Skatepark down at Great Mall just so I would skate. And today, you always push me to strive to be the better. Not the best, you always want me to be better than the best no matter what. It may be stressful at times, but I'm sure it'll all pay off in the end. And you don't just say that you want me to be the best. You give me the things I need in order to do it. Example, you want me to be a hella awesome pianist, so you went out and bought me a keyboard. $500 dollar keyboard. I was stoked, like holy cow I didn't even see this coming. You also wanted me to be a computer engineer, so you bought me my own computer. You're crazy. And the best thing, is that you always reward me. I do something you like, you give me a reward. Not just any reward, the reward is so damn crazy. Like a car. I'm hella thankful for that car. Not everyone's parents buy their kids cars. They gotta earn their own money and buy it. But you, you gave it to me because you love me. And I love you too dad.

I love both of you, mom and dad. I thank you guys for getting to know each other. To get married. And to have me :D. Thanks for everything, and for being the best parents ever.

Love, Stefan.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Aliza Jean Panoringan Mallare

Oh you. What can I say. Hah, everyone says you can't find your true love over myspace. We proved them wrong, didn't we? Two summers ago, I logged into my myspace and I had one friend request. It was you. I was like hey look at this cutie. Turns out you're new to Elk Grove, and you're going to Franklin next year. I was like oh man, that's pretty awesome. It also turned out that you lived like 2 minutes away from me.
But I didn't expect anything serious. I was just like its just another cutie from myspace. We stopped talking for about two months because we just had nothing to talk about hah. Then before school started we started talking to each other about our classes and what we had. Turns out we had PE together 6th period. So for some reason, on the first day of school I was just dying to go to 6th period. Hoping that I will see you. When 6th period finally came, I literally felt like I was in one of those love story movies, and everything got dark and a light was just shining on you. No seriously, everyone in the gym just got zoned out and all I saw was you. Then freetime came, I went all the way down there, planning to go say hi to you. On that very last second, I chickened out. First time in my life I got scared of going up to a girl. I was like, what the effing hell is going on. So I just sat with my friends, behind you. They were telling me stories and crap but I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy thinking about what happened during 6th period. How beautiful you looked. How it felt like you and I were the only one in the gym, but the only problem is that you didn't notice me. The very end of the period, I got up off my seat. I past you and just said "hi". You were like "oh hi!" in your very cute voice. And that's how, you became my crush.
Soon enough, we got closer. We got to know each other more, and we began riding the bus home together. I remember right after PE I'm be so damn sweaty and you wouldn't mind. I was always embarrassed but you didn't care. One day, I came over. September 14, 2008. I asked you out to homecoming, and most of all, we got our first kiss. Then came homecoming. September 30, 2008. Best dance, of my life. Hehe right after we went to Carls Jr and dropped you home, I just went home, laid down, and just kept smiling. I thought to myself "Stefan you got the best girl in the world. Don't fuck up. Don't lose her. Don't play her." So, then I planned my next move. October 6, 2008. Official. We went out. You weren't my crush anymore. You were mine. My love, my girlfriend, my boo, whatever you wanna call it.
So the picture above, that's our homecoming picture. We failed at matching cause you said vintage red. And you were wearing purple. Hah. It's whatever. At least you stick out while everything else is black and white.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Janelle Ruth De Guzman Ejanda

June 18, 2009 is when you came into my life. I remember when Abby introduced me to you. Haha, she was like "want to hook up with my cousin" or something like that. But I remembered that day. Then she gave me your number and I started texting you and I had no clue who the hell you were. All I knew is that you were Abby's one of cousins, and I would know that Abby wouldn't introduce me to her cousin if she's a retarded cousin or something LOL. But anyways, we got to know each other, then we saw each other. Don and Abby picked me up, I'm thinking it was Father's Day that day, and we pulled up into your house. And so, we were there, and I don't remember saying more than two words to you, maybe less. Hah, whatever, I'm really shy. BUT I do remember, "tennis players have hairy balls". Hehe and I made my twitter that day, and I became Kevin Dimples. And that's how we met.
But I gotta admit, ever since we met, I knew that you were someone that would always be close to me. No matter how long we don't talk to each other, no matter how long we don't see each other, I knew I could always be myself to you. I always knew that no matter how much of an idiot I made myself look, I would know that you wouldn't care, or judge me. And for you, I see the good inside you. When you told me that people don't like you and they thought you were annoying, I was like "foreals? Janelle? can't be annoying." Hah, I think you're pretty awesome.
So, I think your asking yourself, "Why? Why am I your bestfriend?" Well. For one, like I said, I can be myself around you. And really, I have no friends hehe. You really are my only true friend. I used to have a bestfriend. His name was Matt, I don't know if I ever told you about him. But we used to be buddies, until he got hooked onto drugs, so we just drifted apart. But its okay. And I just drifted away from everyone else. At nights, when you don't pick up, I literally feel alone, because I don't have anyone else to call, like seriously. Haha. I can call you whenever I'm bored, which I always am, and we can talk about the randomest things. If anything we don't even talk at all. Sometimes we watch the same channel on tv and laugh at the same time. Or sometimes we just end up falling asleep on each other. OH YEAH, I love how I can always make fun of you. You know, like I always throw insults at your face and you always take it because you know I'm kidding. And no matter how much I insult you, you will always love you. You can never get mad at me.
Well, here's your letter. I know you. I know right now your smiling, and if you weren't, I sure do know you are now =]. I love you, its almost june 18. We're about to meet again, you owe me a day out to eat :D. K, bye!

30 Day Letters

Day 1 — Your Best Friend - Janelle

Day 2 — Your Crush - Aliza

Day 3 — Your parents - Mom and Dad

Day 4 —Your sibling (or closest relative) - Sara

Day 5 — Your dreams - Future

Day 6 — A stranger - ?

Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush - Christia

Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend - Simba

Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet - God

Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to - Leanna

Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to - Grandpa

Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain - Aliza

Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you - Jeremy

Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from - Matt

Day 15 — The person you miss the most - Polly

Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country - ?

Day 17 — Someone from your childhood - Matt

Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be - Don

Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad - ?

Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest - ?

Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression - ?

Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to - ?

Day 23 — The last person you kissed - Aliza

Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory - Aliza

Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times - ?

Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to - Chrissy

Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day - ?

Day 28 — Someone that changed your life - Michelle

Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to - ?

Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror - ...